
Cyclists Getting Swiped...

Massive public disapproval of the permanent changes to the streets, parking and traffic flow in the Downtown, St. James and River Heights neighbourhoods has anger being transferred from Citizens to cyclists.

Bike riders are being yelled at, spit upon, and swiped by drivers mirrors. No democratic route to the residents of these areas were applied by city officials to explain the permanent year-round changes that were made this summer. Residents are fuming over the loss of street use and parking.

Harrow St. was hit the hardest with a massive loss of public parking down the route from Academy to Pembina Hwy. The huge loss of parking has impacted over 1000 residents along the route.

The Katz administration did not consult any area residents directly. Recently River Heights residents (interviewed by CBC) stated they knew NOTHING of the bike routes, loss of parking, and traffic calming circles. Residents interviewed along Harrow St. also said they felt there was absolutely no democracy in the permanent changes made to their street's parking.

Police are effectively staying out of this. They would not answer questions regarding attempted strikes profiling bike riders. A statement saying drivers caught acting unlawful could face consequences.

Unfortunately, the local media has focused the latest news reports on the views exclusively from the vantage point of the cyclists. Residents from St. James, Assiniboine Ave., and River Heights have been shut out of news coverage.

James Hisochi
Wpg. Report
Oct. 06, 2010


  1. Harry Reid says:

    This city is a JOKE! Sam Katz, my God... he's a total theif, and Judy W (whatever) is so awful on radio or TV it is sick to watch or listen to her. She's an empty windbag. PLEASE isn't there anyone who we could believe in for this town?

  1. Anonymous says:

    I wish I was only spit at... I had a chocolate milkshake thrown on me by a guy in a big van on Harrow St. I ride my bike everyday, (have for years), and I didn't need any of these bike paths. The city was fine just the way it was, and it was FAR BETTER when drivers didn't HATE me!

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